www.quantumprofitmanagement.com Quantum Profit Management
Strategies & Techniques for Wholesale / Distribution
How to Get Substantial and Sustainable Profit Gains

Measuring & Managing Fleet Costs

Randy MacLean, President
WayPoint Analytics

Thursday, February 16, 2023

•WayPoint Analytics •profit strategy •delivery costing •delivery profits •distribution strategy •time-based delivery costing

Any organization that runs a fleet can benefit substantially from knowing transport costs at the customer/delivery level. This component of the customer cost envelope plays a big part in understanding customer value and drives decisions on pricing delivery, setting margins and routing decisions.

To do this at the top level, companies are moving away from using mileage, and toward a much more accurate and effective time-based measurement. WayPoint can utilize the better inputs, calculating very precise costs at the customer level. A time-based system is also dynamic, reflecting cost changes driven by daily route changes, opening numerous new ways to optimize delivery costs.

In this session, we'll show your team how this is done, and how you can find significant reductions in delivery expenditures while improving customer service. This is a session for operations people, CFOs and chief executives, so assemble your team and be ready to continue the conversation at the end of this 30-minute session.

[click for article]

Downloads: ManagingDeiveryCosts.pdf

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net

The 7 Areas That Need Your Focus (brief)

Randy MacLean, President
WayPoint Analytics

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

•cost-to-serve math •operational excellence •distribution analytics •customer profitability •customer mix and balance •managing profit •Advanced Cost & Profit Analytics •success with WayPoint •change action chain •analyzing orders •productivity •conversion chain

The 3rd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers. These are the specific areas that many companies commonly miss and places where your focus on new strategies and tactics will make a huge difference on your productivity and profitability.

[click for article]

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net

The 6 Attributes of Super-Profit Companies

Randy MacLean, President
WayPoint Analytics

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

•fill rates •industry perspective •business model •conversions •distribution analytics •customer loyalty strategies •analyzing delivery •costing delivery •high profit rates •minimum order quantity •advanced metrics

The 2nd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers.

[click for article]

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net

The 5 Things Customers Want (brief)

Randy MacLean, President
WayPoint Analytics

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

•order fullfilment •distribution industry trends •efficiency •customer segmentation •market share •customer profitability •customer profitability management •managing customers for profit •account strategy •customer intimacy program •best customers •analyzing orders •customer experience •customer loyalty

The 1st of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers.

[click for article]

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net

An Analytical Boost to Service Excellence

Bruce Merrifield, President
Merrifield Consulting

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

•customer demographics •market intelligence •WayPoint Analytics •expert interview •LIPA •balance •customer segmentation •business analytics •Randy MacLean •Bruce Merrifield •Merrifield Consulting •business strategy •customer analysis model •managing customers for profit •concierge customer service •Advanced Cost & Profit Analytics

When using advanced analytics, companies can usually identify a small handful of customers who are especially profitable, and generate the core of profit. Once you know who these accounts are, you can give them special customer service to make sure you hold on to your biggest money makers. In this video Randy and Bruce discuss how it works.

[click for article]

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For more information about Bruce Merrifield, visit: www.merrifieldact2.com

Beyond Business Intelligence

Randy MacLean, President
WayPoint Analytics

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

•profit analytics •WayPoint Analytics •distribution industry technology •business math for distribution •cost-to-serve math •Integrating WayPoint Analytics with ERP Systems •business analytics •Randy MacLean •distribution analytics •Financial Costing

There are many different kinds of business intelligence systems available on the market, and many of them work very well with WayPoint. Many of our clients use one or more of these types of BI systems. In this video Randy Maclean shows the different types of systems available and what they bring to the table, as well as how to determine what specific metrics and elements you need.

[click for article]

Downloads: BeyondBI.pdf

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net